
Kemet Temple No. 263

Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
Oasis of Waldorf, Desert of Maryland

Symbol meaning The Black Land




Potentate Jewel
Illustrious Potentate: Noble Danelo Sobers

Chief Rabban Jewel
Chief Rabban: Noble Raymond Kinlaw

Assitant Rabban Jewel
Assistant Rabban: Noble David Pollard

High Priest and Prophet Jewel
High Priest & Prophet: Noble Stephen Bush

Oriental Guide Jewel
Oriental Guide: Noble Cedric Amey

Treasurer Jewel
Treasurer: Noble Charles Lewis

Recorder Jewel
Recorder: Noble Bobby Glenn
Asst. Recorder: Noble Bryan Johnson

1st Ceremonial Master
1st Ceremonial Master: Noble Raymond Fefee III

2nd Ceremonial Master
2nd Ceremonial Master: Noble Maurice Evans

Captain of the Guard
Captain of the Guard: Noble Lonnell Belcher

Outer Guard
Outer Guard: Noble Selwyn Roberts

Marshall: Noble Preston McGilvery